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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Naruto and Go / Igo

Is there any relation between Naruto and go ?
Answer is : YES

1. Shikamaru (sometimes) play igo isn't ?
2. From the tittle Narugo :D
3. Hokage means Gokage
4. When you play igo, you could also use Sharingo or Byakugo
5. Gounin (Jounin)
6. Yamanaka Igo *lol*
7. "Sabaku Taigou", Gaara Jutsu
8. "Sabaku Kyuu", Gaara Jutsu. Also means.....Gaara still in kyu level *Nyahahaha*
8. There is a forbidden Jutsu by Ogochimaru : Ego Tensei
9. Ogochimaru henchmen is.....Yakushi Kabugo
10. Hatake Kikashi, Hatake Kakari *lol*

Beside those ten, there are tons similarity between them
Don't you agree ??

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My Quote :

"What I started, I'll see through the end"

"I love Igo......but I'm not good at it"

"Don't play too harsh with me, for I am weak"

"My rank is as low as beginner"

"Just think me as a newbie, although I don't like handicap game"

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